RN to MSN Program Option Receives Top Ranking

Best Accredited Colleges recently ranked the Clarkson College Registered Nurse (RN) to Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program option as one of the top choices for nurses in the nation. The online option allows nurses with an Associate’s degree to earn both their Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees to become an advanced practitioner. 

The Clarkson College RN to MSN option allows nurses to choose from specialty options in Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Healthcare Administration and Nursing Education. All theory courses are offered entirely online, and students can choose part- or full-time options that allow them to continue to work professionally.

By advancing their education, nurses can grow within their field and increase their earning potential. Job opportunities for nurses with their master’s degree continue to grow, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting a 12% increase in jobs from 2018-2028.

Best Accredited Colleges uses a proprietary system to rank accredited, non-profit schools. The site considers tuition, retention rate, student-to-faculty ratio, acceptance and graduation rates, and transfer credit options when ranking.

Learn more about our RN to MSN option online.