Clarkson College Physical Therapist Assistant & Radiologic Technology Programs Recognized for Excellence

Community for Accredited Online Schools, an organization dedicated to helping college-bound students find high-quality, accredited online schools, released its annual ranking for the 2016-2017 school year and recognized Clarkson College as offering the No. 1 Best Radiologic Technology program and the No. 8 Best Physical Therapist Assistant program in the nation.

We wanted to highlight schools like Clarkson College who are striving for excellence in education,” said Doug Jones, CEO and Founder of the Community for Accredited Online Schools. “These colleges offer an exceptional educational experience, upholding rigorous accreditation standards and showing an overall commitment to maximizing student success.”

In order for universities to qualify for this ranking they must hold public or private not-for-profit status and carry institutional accreditation. Top schools are determined by using a value-based methodology that analyzes more than a dozen qualitative and quantitative data points, such as:

  • Cost and financial aid
  • Number of programs and program offerings
  • Student–faculty ratios
  • Graduation rates
  • Placement and support services offered
  • Academic/Career counseling services offered
  • Employment services offered

These factors are assembled for each school and rated using a peer-based-value (PBV) calculation, which compares the cost of a program to the cost of other programs with the same (or similar) qualitative score and cost. The PBV denotes the overall value of a college or degree program.

Along with upholding accreditation since the Clarkson College RT program was established in 1991, Program Director Ellen Collins says she had the other RT faculty continuously consult industry experts to ensure the education and training students receive is current. “Students complete a full year of didactic training in the classroom prior to completing their clinical rotations,” she explains. “We want to make sure they are prepared to apply their education in a real-life setting, so the support, training and resources we provide in that first year are crucial.”

A similar commitment to quality is evident in the PTA program. Clarkson College was the only institution in Nebraska to offer a PTA program when it was established in 1994.